Fallen Chapter 1 Quotes

Fallen Chapter 1 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 1

Leaning forward to read the "Prohibited Materials" sign a little more closely, she saw that cell phones, pagers, and all two-way radio devices were strictly forbidden. […] Now she understood this morning's strange demeanor. Her parents were already mourning the loss of contact with their only daughter. (1.19/26)

This is a major step for Luce: it cuts her off from her family and her best friend at Dover. In this moment, she's realizing, for possibly the first time, what it really means to be at Sword & Cross, and exactly what kind of school year she's in for.

Quote 2

The ponytail fell to her feet and Arriane gasped and whipped around. She picked it up and held it to the sun. Luce's heart constricted at the sight. She still agonized over her own lost hair, and all the other losses it symbolized. But Arriane just let a think smile spread across her lips. She ran her fingers through the ponytail once, then dropped it into her bag. (1.102)

The loss of Luce's own hair symbolized a great deal of things: the loss of her beauty and youth, the loss of her status as someone liked by her classmates, and the loss of her own sense of confidence (she prided herself on her beautiful hair). Seeing Arriane take so well to a haircut that Luce finds a punishment is just another way she and Arriane are so different—and it looks like it adds to Luce's fears that she won't fit in here.

Quote 3

He leaned up against the building with his arms crossed lightly over his chest. And for a split second, Luce saw a flashing image of herself folded into those arms. She shook her head, but the vision stayed so clear that she almost took off toward him.

No, that was crazy. Right? Even at a school full of crazies, Luce was well aware that this instinct was insane. She didn't even know him. (1.174-175)

In this lifetime, we see that the draw Luce feels for Daniel is immediate and undeniable, and that's perhaps because her memories from her past lives are strong and unwavering—so much so that she can't believe she can have such a strong reaction to seeing someone for the first time. Does that explain love at first sight?