Fallen Chapter 11 Quotes

Fallen Chapter 11 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 1

Daniel had carried her? As in…his arms around her body? The dream rushed back and the sensation of flying—no, of floating—overwhelmed her. She felt to tethered down to her bed…Her face grew hot, first with desire, then with the agonizing impossibility of any of that ever happening while she was awake. Those glorious, blinding wings were the only fantastical things about that dream. The real-life Daniel would only carry her to the nurse's station. He would never want her, never take her in his arms, not like that. (11.90)

Luce is an expert at throwing pity parties, and here is one of her best ones. The dream of flying with Daniel the night before, of seeing him with wings, of having him kiss her, is nothing more than a fantastical image her mind created for her. Or is it? Dun, dun, dun

Quote 2

[Randy] had a bouquet of wild white peonies in her hand. Strange. They were Luce's favorites. And it was so hard to find them in bloom around here. (11.103)

A small detail here, but context clues tell us that Randy has collected these flowers from Daniel, who was standing outside the hospital door while he waited to find out if Luce was okay. Remembering her favorite flower is definitely a sign that he cares about her—and that he knows this detail not from present-day Luce, but from a past Luce.

Quote 3

There was only a little light left in the day. Luce felt a stabbing regret at wasting the sunset, as if there were anything she could do to stop it. Somehow she knew these final rays of light were as precious as the last drops of honey in a jar. (11.3)

Not only does this moment count as a nod to the scene at the library, but it also suggests that something about Luce is changing. If Daniel really is producing this bioluminescent glow behind him and is not a comet or a radioactive spider, then there's totally something supernatural going on with him.