Fallen Chapter 15 Quotes

Fallen Chapter 15 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 1

She didn't want to glance back when she sensed the shadows spilling out of the door of the bar and brewing in the air. But the, she didn't have to. They flowed in a steady stream over her head, sucking up all the light in their path. It was as if the whole world were being torn to pieces right before her eyes. A rotting sulfur stench stuck in her nose, worse than anything she knew. (15.92)

If anything conjures up images of hell more than shadows and the stench of sulfur spilling out of a bar, please call to let us know, because we don't think anything can top this imagery conveying Cam's own self-damnation.

Quote 2

Through the tinted windows, the trees outside and the gray paved road beneath them all looked brown. At the turning whose westward fork led to Thunderbolt, the black sedan turned east. They were following the river toward the shore. Every now and then, when their path and the river's converged, Luce could see the brackish brown water twisting beside them. (15.26)

The path Luce takes in the car on the way to meet Cam is a winding river road that will take her to a seedy bar called Styx. The very winding nature of the drive itself reflects not only the twisty feelings Luce is experiencing, but it also adds to a sense of unease about what's going to happen at the bar. It's definitely not a comforting feeling.

Quote 3

But Daniel had turned off the road and brought the car to a stop at the end of a sandy path. He switched the headlights off and they stared out at the ocean. The dusky sky was a deep plum shade, and the crests of the waves looked almost silver, sparkling. The beach grass whipped up the wind, making a high, desolate whistling sound. A flock of ragged seagulls sat in a line along the boardwalk railing, grooming their feathers (15.178)

While Cam is outwardly flashy, Daniel is shy and attentive, and the settings in which they choose to share their time with Luce are reflective of these differing qualities. Daniel's sandy beach road is practically a paradise after the bar where Cam met Luce. Clearly, Daniel is much better at planning dates.