Fallen Chapter 18 Quotes

Fallen Chapter 18 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:


Quote 1

"Cam's right, Daniel," Gabbe said quietly. "Something's different this time…something about Luce. The cycle could be broken—and not the way we want it to. I mean…it could end." (18. 115)

Gabbe lays it all on the line for us, telling us what's really at stake this time around. This isn't just about Luce's life, although that's kind of important, too. This is about the entire fate of the world, hanging in the balance between one girl and one fallen angel. Gabbe makes it sound like if Luce dies this time around, not only is she gone for good, but the planet as we know it might be gone for good, too. Great. No pressure.

Quote 2

Cam stepped into the clearing. His eyes were rimed with a thick, shimmering gold shadow, and it shone on his face in the moonlight, making him look like a wildcat. (18.88)

Finally, we begin to see the supernatural side of Cam: he's now flecked with a touch of gold, like Daniel has been this whole time. It's a drastic contrast for his image, but it does convey that now his fallen angel status is coming even further to the surface—and that maybe his motives are a bit more sinister than we initially thought.

"The only thing I don't understand is what on earth you're doing with me. Because I'm just…me." She looked up at the sky again, feeling the black spells of the shadows. "And I'm guilty of so much." (18.41)

Here we see Luce's sense of self-worth…yeah, she has none. She's been carrying around the weight of Trevor's and Todd's deaths all this time, to the point that she truly thinks she is unworthy of love. No wonder she pushes her parents away.