Far From the Madding Crowd Chapter 53 Summary

Concurritur: Horae Momento

  • A group of men is standing outside Boldwood's house, ready to head inside for the party. They're busy gossiping about a rumored sighting of Sergeant Troy they heard about in Casterbridge. They also gossip about how Bathsheba knows nothing about it.
  • As more workmen arrive to discuss the news, they all eventually decide that they shouldn't say anything about it at the party.
  • While they're talking, they all hush and hide in the shadows as Boldwood walks past. They can overhear him talking to himself about how much he hopes that Bathsheba will come to his party.
  • Bathsheba arrives, and the men watch how nervous Boldwood gets when he greets her. They all thought that his crush on her ended a long time ago. Now they don't know what to think.
  • Rather than go inside and see Boldwood make a fool of himself, the men decide to head to a pub for a pint.
  • When they get to the pub, though, they see Sergeant Troy's face looking in a window. They all know him for sure, and he seems to be interested in a conversation that two people are having inside the pub.
  • The men argue over who's going to tell their boss, Bathsheba, that they've seen Troy. Finally, it's settled on a guy named Laban Tall.
  • They go back to the party and Laban goes in. Quite a while later, he comes back out and tells them he didn't have the heart to say anything to Bathsheba.
  • They all decide to go in together to deliver the news. At this point, Bathsheba is already trying to leave. Boldwood catches her, though, and tries to bully her into accepting his proposal of marriage. She keeps telling him that she'll never be happy with him, but he doesn't seem to care.
  • She tentatively agrees, but draws the line at putting on an engagement ring. The two of them wrestle over it for a bit before she agrees to wear it for one night only—to the Christmas party.
  • When Boldwood returns to the party, he sees the group of workmen chatting. He asked if anyone has died or been married, and the men kind of look at one another as if they don't know how to break the news. They seem to have something to say to Bathsheba.
  • At this moment, there's a knock at the front door. A stranger wants to speak with Bathsheba, so Boldwood invites him in. It's Sergeant Troy in his disguise. The men who already knew he was in the neighborhood recognize him instantly.
  • When Boldwood invites him to stay, Troy takes off his disguise and looks directly into Boldwood's face. He even laughs at the guy, having stolen his bride-to-be for a second time.
  • Troy looks to Bathsheba and orders her to come home with him. But before anything more can happen, there's a huge bang.
  • Boldwood has grabbed a rifle that was hanging over his fireplace and shot Troy in the chest. A panic breaks out in the room, and Boldwood tries to turn the gun on himself. But he's prevented, and before anyone can get a hold of him, he runs off into the night.