Cameron Frye (Alan Ruck)’s Timeline and Summary

Cameron Frye (Alan Ruck)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Cameron stays home sick from school.
  • Ferris calls and badgers him into coming over.
  • Cameron impersonates Sloane's dad in order to get her out of school, too.
  • Ferris convinces Cameron to steal his father's priceless Ferrari for the day.
  • They pick up Sloane and drive into Chicago.
  • Cameron protests, but lets Ferris leave the car with a shady parking lot attendant.
  • Cameron and his friends visit Sears Tower, the Chicago Board of Trade, and a fancy restaurant called Chez Quis. Cameron repeatedly wants to go home.
  • After lunch, Ferris's dad almost busts them.
  • Cameron and his friends go to a Cubs game and the Art Institute of Chicago.
  • They have another near-miss with Ferris's father, this time in a taxi.
  • When Ferris disappears temporarily, Cameron thinks that Ferris went home just to spite him.
  • After discovering that the parking attendant put 175 miles on the car, Cameron falls into a catatonic state.
  • When he breaks out of it, he's had an epiphany: He's not going to be afraid of his dad anymore, and this is the best day of his life.
  • Trying to take the miles off of the car, the kids accidentally crash the car into the woods, totaling it.
  • Cameron declines Ferris's offer to take the heat for the car because he's ready to stand up to his dad.