Ferris Bueller's Day Off Foolishness and Folly Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

Quote #1

FERRIS: They bought it.

Ferris, speaking here about his "I'm sick" ruse, wastes no time in establishing that his folks are easily duped. He also wastes no time in breaking the fourth wall and making the audience co-conspirators in his schemes to thwart authority. He has no doubt that you'll be on his side, Shmooper.

Quote #2

FERRIS: Incredible. One of the worst performances of my career, and they never doubted it for a second.

Just in case it wasn't clear that his parents are oblivious.

Quote #3

ROONEY: Last thing I need at this point in my career is 1,500 Ferris Bueller disciples running around these halls. He jeopardizes my ability to effectively govern this student body.
GRACE: Well, he makes you look like an ass is what he does, Ed.

Grace keeps it real, dude. You go, Grace.