Finding Nemo Scene 25 Summary

  • Outside one of the Sydney water treatment pipelines, a couple crabs are looking for little tidbits of food to escape from the holes in the pipe.
  • Marlin swims past the pipe a moment before Nemo pops up.
  • He starts to yell for his dad when he spots a confused Dory circling the buoy. She's crying because she thinks she might have lost someone. She can't really remember. Poor forgetful Dory.
  • Nemo tells her it's okay—he's looking for someone, too. They can look together. His name is Marlin.
  • Huh, Dory says, that's a nice name.
  • Dory and Nemo start swimming around yelling for Nemo's dad. That is, until Dory reads the city name—Sydney—on the water treatment pipes. Then, she remembers it all.
  • Dory gets directions from one of the crabs. Apparently, Marlin went towards the fishing grounds where a big fishing boat is looming. Oh, that sounds ominous.