The First Part Last Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"You are going to pay when she starts walking and won't let you out of her sight. You'll pay."

I wonder if somebody threatened her that one day I'd love her and want to be with her all the time. Some threat. (3.9-10)

Bobby's mom tries to tell Bobby that he should let Feather do some things on her own, that she might get too attached to Bobby. She's trying to help him balance the love he feels for Feather with the practicality of parenthood. Too bad Bobby doesn't listen.

Quote #2

Don't remember anything except how I walked about fifty blocks and it only seemed to take a few minutes to get home. (14.23)

When Bobby first feels the baby kick, he's at the hospital with Nia, who has some complications. He's so astounded by the beginnings of the love he feels for his child; everything is different now for him. It's going to be hard to give that baby up for adoption.

Quote #3

I mean even in a fairy tale the friends could be asses and stuff, give the hero a hard time when he gets stupid or something, but they're there. When everything gets real hard. Right there. (16.11)

Bobby's friends, K-Boy and J. L., support him no matter what. Is this the same kind of love that Bobby has for his daughter? For Nia? How are these loves different?