Franco Moretti's Clique: Digital Humanities Support Group

Franco Moretti's Clique: Digital Humanities Support Group

Members of this group worked hard and got tired. They come to the support group seeking solace from numbers, statistics, characters, charts, atlases… you get the point. Don't get us wrong: they love the work and are honored to work with such an esteemed professor as Franco Moretti, but sometimes they just want to spend four hours dwelling on how they felt about the beauty of "Ozymandias" or "Ode on a Grecian Urn."

Mark Algee-Hewitt

President (But Don't Tell Anyone)

This Stanford professor is a high roller on the digital humanities scene. He's worked his fingers to the bone for the cause. How many people have a degree in English and computer science? 'Nuff said. If you think you've got what it takes and want to read some of his work, we're not stopping you. Just put your thinking cap on first.

John Unsworth


Maybe it's kind of odd to have a designated archivist for work that's all about archives, but this guy sure has librarian know-how. He's even been credited with coining the term "digital humanities," which is a big deal to a lot of people. If that doesn't impress you, this factoid should: he started the first electronic journal in the humanities. That means he gave online journals credibility—something some people thought would never ever happen.

Stanley Fish

Resident Naysayer

Okay, so if you've read anything about Fish, you'll know that he's just an all-around naysayer, but he did have some specific nays to say about DH, so the support group brought him in as a way to check themselves from going down the DH rabbit hole. Nevertheless, Fish knows a trend when he sees it. Speaking of the dismal academic job market, he advises riding the wave: "Get into the digital humanities and get a job" (source).