Frankenstein Scene 1 Summary

  • Warning: this film is scary. Edward Van Sloan comes out from behind a curtain just to tell you so.
  • (Edward Van Sloan is the guy who plays Dr. Waldman in the film. He mentions Carl Laemmle—that's the producer.)
  • Mr. Van Sloan walks off stage, and then you get the credits; this is the only part of the film that's set to music.
  • Look, there are weird floating eyes behind the credits. What do the weird floating eyes have to do with the film? Who knows? (But check out Symbols: Floating Eyes for some suggestions.)
  • Notice that the monster is credited as "?" Boris Karloff, who played the monster, wasn't well known at the time…so the filmmakers decided to be cute and build in some mystery by keeping his name concealed.