Frankenstein Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Frankenstein? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Victor understands that nature is powerful. What does he want to do with natural power?

Submit to it
Conquer and master it
Die from a lightning strike
Make it rain
Q. What makes the monster bad?

Victor neglects him.
He was born that way.
He was influenced by Billie Eilish's "Bad Guy."
He's abused by his true love.
Q. Why does Victor say he decides not to make a Mrs. Monster?

He ran out of bits and pieces to use.
He's tired and wants the monster to find his own girl.
He finds the monster to be untrustworthy.
He's overwhelmed with the godly responsibilities.
Q. Why did Victor's parents adopt Elizabeth?

They felt compassion for her.
Victor's mom really loved her.
Trick question—the Frankensteins didn't adopt her.
They adopted her so Victor could marry her later.
Q. Whom does the monster kill?
