From the Earth to the Moon Theme of Science

The Gun Club is a bunch of nerds—they might as well hold their meetings at a local comic book shop. Fortunately, these highly intelligent fellows come of age in a time when science is becoming more and more respected by society. In From the Earth to the Moon, we're introduced to a world where science—not mythology or superstition—is man's guiding force. We're no Bill Nyes, but we can attest that reading From the Earth to the Moon will turn you into a bona fide Science Guy.

Questions About Science

  1. In what ways does the novel compare and contrast mythology and science? Are they actually so different? To jump start your thinking, check out our analysis of the moon over in the "Symbols" section.
  2. Does the Gun Club contribute to the realm of scientific discovery? Explain your answer.
  3. What is the purpose of Verne's science-inspired metaphors?
  4. Does the public seem well-informed about science? Why or why not?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

From the Earth to the Moon portrays a time when man's longtime mythological understanding of the world has given way to a science.

Verne's use of scientific metaphors helps illustrate the fact that he sees science as the key to unlocking the truth of humanity.