Geb and Nut

Geb and Nut

Look down—there's Geb. He's the earth you're walking on, from the mountains to the desert and then some. Now look up—there's Nut. Yep, she's the sky. It might be weird to think of Mother Earth as Father Earth at first. But that's exactly how the ancient Egyptians decided things were.

Basic Information

NameGeb and Nut (pronounced "noot" to rhyme with "boot")
NicknameEarth and Sky, Down and Up, Thing 1 and Thing 2 
SexGeb is male, Nut is female
Current cityCity? We fill the earth and the sky!

Work & Education

OccupationBeing the earth and the sky is a full-time job
EducationWe contain all learning institutions


Political viewsRa is king (even if he's a jerk and didn't want to let Nut have her babies)

Family & Friends (& Enemies)

ParentsShu (the wind) and Tefnut (the rain)
SiblingsWe are brother and sister, but have no other siblings.
ChildrenOsiris, Horus the Elder, Seth, Isis, and Nephthys
FriendsRa, Anubis, Ma'at, most gods
EnemiesWe're a little big for enemies…


Relationship statusMarried to each other (Don't ask. There wasn't anybody else around.)
Interested inEach other


Quotations"When we seek for connection, we restore the world to wholeness. Our seemingly separate lives become meaningful as we discover how truly necessary we are to each other."
– Margaret Wheatley

"A human being is part of a whole, called by us the Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest—a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."
– Albert Einstein

"We shall find peace. We shall hear the angels, we shall see the sky sparkling with diamonds."
– Anton Chekhov

"Women hold up half the sky."
– Chinese proverb

"It's plain to see / this world is heavenly"
– Michael Jackson, "Heal the World"
BooksThe Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck 
(What happens to the land ultimately affects everybody.)
Moby-Dick by Herman Melville 
(Ever chase after something you're not allowed to have? Then you know what's it's like for Captain Ahab to chase the white whale, and for Geb to chase after Nut.)
Number the Stars by Lois Lowry 
(How far will you go to make sure people are safe? This book made Nut cry.)
Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli 
(Nut might not be this weird, but she is this friendly.)
What We Talk About When We Talk About Love by Raymond Carver 
(Being married is tough. Especially when you aren't even allowed to touch each other.)
Earth by James F. Luhr (Smithsonian DK Books) 
(It's a map of Geb, with pictures! Mind the volcano on the cover.)
Space, Stars and the Beginning of Time: What the Hubble Telescope Saw by Elaine Scott 
(Nut's got a lot of patterns on her skin. Here's a nice map to the brightest of them.)
Star Vistas: A Collection of Fine Art Astrophotography by Greg Parker and Noel Carboni 
(Geb feels a little less lonely when he knows other people share his wife's beauty in books like these.)
The Star-Bearer: A Creation Myth from Ancient Egypt by Dianne Hofmeyr and Jude Daly 
(All about how Nut and Geb got separated. It's a beautiful but sad story.)
Cry of the Benu Bird by C. Shana Greger 
(It's another version of our story, told with beautiful paintings. We love this.)
MusicFake Plastic Trees by Radiohead 
(We prefer the real thing.)
Subterranean Homesick Blues by Bob Dylan 
(Which way does Shu blow, anyway?)
We like happy music. Like Good Vibrations by The Beach Boys. 
La Bamba by Ritchie Valens 
(We'd dance the bamba, but Shu won't let us.)
Earth Song by Michael Jackson 
(If only it were this easy to fix what's wrong.)
To the Sky by Owl City 
(This is happy music. And the sky is very nice.)
Fire Coming Out of a Monkey's Head by Gorillaz 
(Those poor happy people.)
Everything by Ladysmith Black Mambazo is beautiful, including their version of South Africa's national anthem.
Movies The Odd Life of Timothy Green 
(See? Boys can come from the earth.)
The Jurassic Park series 
(Nature really doesn't like it when you mess with things.)
(Captain Navarre and Lady Isabeau don't get to be together either. But they have a friend who can help.)
Wrath of the Titans 
(Okay, so they aren't Egyptian gods. But they're still fun to watch!)
(If you ever do make it to another planet? Don't mess it up. Thanks.)
Ferris Bueller's Day Off 
(Everybody needs to have some fun occasionally. Even us!)
The Secret World of Arrietty 
(This is how big we feel, compared to tiny humans. But we still like you.)
We like disaster films for stress-breakers. 2012 was a crazy one. We'd have to be very, very angry for this kind of mayhem. 
TV ShowsPlanet Earth series with David Attenborough (BBC)  
(This was so cool. Nut thought it was like being right there with me.)
(You can't take the sky from us.)
(These guys have even worse luck keeping things together than we do.)
Falling Skies 
(Geb's happy that Nut keeps track of space. Because nobody wants this to happen.)

Activities & Interests

LikesPeople (most of the time)
Sycamore trees
Long distance relationships
Really long movies
ActivitiesDealing with pollution (boo!)
Doing things outdoors
Trying to sneak a smooch while Shu isn't looking (sorry about that natural disaster, though!)
Plate tectonics
GroupsAncient Egyptian Gods 
I've Survived 7000 Aftershocks, Bring It On Mother Nature