Ray (Dan Aykroyd)’s Timeline and Summary

Ray (Dan Aykroyd)’s Timeline and Summary

  • He drafts Venkman to help him and Egon spot their first ghost.
  • Hesitantly, Ray mortgages his house to fund the Ghostbusters.
  • Dr. Stantz directs the other Ghostbusters in trapping Slimer.
  • He cracks the architectural code of Dana's apartment building.
  • Along with Winston, Ray ponders the place of God in all this.
  • Ray helps convince the mayor to let the Ghostbusters bust Gozer.
  • He accidentally gives Gozer the form of the Destructor by thinking of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
  • With the rest of the Ghostbusters, he zaps Gozer back into another dimension.