Giants in the Earth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #1

If he only had paid some attention to Hans Olsa, who for a long while had insisted on waiting for him. But he had overruled all their objections; it was entirely his own doing that Hans Olsa and the others had gone on, leaving him behind. (

From the beginning, Per Hansa puts himself into difficult situations because of his pride. For starters, he tells his friends to travel to their new settlement without him because he doesn't want to hold them up. If he'd just been humble about it, though, he wouldn't have put himself and his family in danger.

Quote #2

In the first place, Per Hansa plainly was getting big-headed; heavens and earth, it was nothing but an ordinary sod hut that he was building! (

From the moment he starts building his house, Per Hansa wants to think of ways to make sure his house is better than his neighbors'. His neighbors are quick to realize this, and it isn't long before they start grumbling about Per Hansa's pride.

Quote #3

"You have made it pretty fine inside, Per Hansa; but He who is now whitening the outside of your walls does fully as well… You shouldn't be vain in your own strength, you know! (

The people in Per Hansa's settlement warn him not to get too cocky. After all, they're still living in the barren wilderness, and there's no one who hates cockiness more than God.