Jim Timeline and Summary


Jim Timeline and Summary

  • We learn from the narrator that Jim – "Mr. James Dillingham Young" – is the much-loved husband of Della. He's poor.
  • He also has a nice gold watch.
  • Jim comes home to the flat at 7pm – he's always on time. Della is waiting for him.
  • Seeing Della's new look, Jim is shocked, and appears unable to believe that Della's hair is gone. Then he snaps out of it.
  • Jim gives Della her present, and tells her his shock will be explained when she opens it.
  • Della opens the present, finds the combs Jim has bought her for her (now missing) hair, and bursts into sobs.
  • Jim comforts her.
  • When Della gives Jim his present – the watch chain – he smiles and falls onto the couch. He sold his watch to buy her the combs, he says.