
Symbolism, Imagery, Allegory

We really don't want to hate on the actual town of Toomsboro, GA. It seems like a lovely place.

But what we do want to caution you against is caution you against making any unwise decisions outside of Toomsboro:

They drove off again into the hot afternoon. The grand- mother took cat naps and woke up every few minutes with her own snoring. Outside of Toombsboro she woke up and recalled an old plantation that she had visited in this neighborhood once when she was a young lady. (45)

You can take all the cat-naps in the car you want. You can go on wild goose chases to find buildings you saw as a young'un. But please, please don't convince your entire family to drive down a disused road because of a memory you accessed outside of a town whose name sounds like "tomb," if "tomb" were spelled like "doom."

Because that would really just be foreshadowing your own demise.