Danny (John Travolta)’s Timeline and Summary

Danny (John Travolta)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Danny and Sandy have a summer fling on the beach.
  • At school, Danny sings that his summer fling don't mean a thing.
  • He's shocked to learn that Sandy has transferred to Rydell for senior year.
  • Determined to be macho, Danny acts like he doesn't know her, hurting her feelings.
  • But Danny gets jealous when he sees Sandy sharing a malt with a hunky football player.
  • Danny goes out for track to impress her. It works.
  • The two date, but Sandy gets jealous when Danny won't admit to a previous relationship with Cha Cha.
  • After graduation, Danny is shocked—even more this time—by Sandy's sexy new makeover.
  • He declares that Sandy is the one he wants, and they fly away in his magic car.
  • For real.