Great Expectations Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Great Expectations? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What is Pip's job?

He's a bellboy.
He's a blacksmith's boy.
He publishes a literary magazine.
He's a kid; he doesn't have a job.
Q. Why is being a gentleman so important to Pip?

It means he's part of respectable society.
He'd have money, which he desperately wants.
He could have fancy clothes.
It's not really important; he's happy sweeping chimneys.
Q. Aside from its metaphorical use in the title, what does "great expectations" mean?

You expect to marry the woman of your dreams.
You expect to have a big house.
You could expect to inherit money.
You expect your kids to be well behaved and not sweep chimneys.
Q. Who doesn't ever dream about the future or have any real "expectations"?

no one
Miss Havisham
Q. What do we realize about money when we consider Miss Havisham's happiness and how it relates to her money?

Money can't make you happy.
Money totally makes people happy.
Money corrupts everyone.
Dollah billz make life for realz.