Ben Byron Timeline and Summary


Ben Byron Timeline and Summary

  • After Ben's mom dies, his dad takes the family off for a yearlong adventure at sea. Ben is against this plan every step of the way.
  • On the boat, his job is hands-on sailing type stuff. He seems to have a lot of natural skill.
  • Ben fights with his dad almost constantly. He gets along pretty well with his brothers, for the most part.
  • When his father goes missing, Ben's absolutely sure it was suicide. He's furious.
  • A storm hits. Ben sails through terrible wind, crazy rain, and 40-foot-high waves.
  • Eventually, the boat crashes into a rock. Ben and his brothers make a new home on a desert island that's nearby.
  • On the island, Ben isn't great at gathering food. He does manage to build a boat out of an old dinghy, though.
  • Everything's going pretty well until Dylan goes missing. Ben sets off to look for him.
  • Ben finds Dylan and rescues him. He performs gruesome surgery on Dylan's leg.
  • Ben's worried because Dylan seems to be getting sicker. He knows he needs to go find a doctor, but he's scared to leave his brothers on their own.
  • Finally, Ben sets off in the little boat he built. Miraculously, he bumps into another boat that rescues him.
  • Ben and his brothers return to civilization, where they're reunited with their father.
  • Ben is furious with his father. He blames the shipwreck on him. He also blames his dad for the death of his mother.
  • At first, Ben says there's no way he's going back home. He almost joins a boating crew on a trip to Hawaii, but in the end he forgives his father and goes back home.