Hygmod Timeline and Summary


Hygmod Timeline and Summary

  • In the second year of Grendel's raiding, Hygmod comes to Hrothgar's meadhall. He brings his bear and six trusted retainers.
  • There's spear-thumping and subtle but sharp words as the two kings negotiate a truce. It's clear that Hrothgar is the mightier of the two.
  • Hygmod offers the usual gifts to buy off Hrothgar's anger, but the old king is hip to that move. He wants greater assurances that the young king won't try to attack in the future.
  • Hygmod has his ace in the hole: Wealtheow. He offers her, and Hrothgar can't refuse.
  • Hygmod comes back to visit his sister in the winter. They sing and chat. Wealtheow ignores her husband while her brother is there. Everything is great while they hang together, but there's no doubt that Hygmod despises Hrothgar for forcing his hand about his sister.