Groundhog Day Spirituality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Groundhog Day.

Quote #1

PHIL: I'm a god.

RITA: You're god?

Phil Connors has lived through the same day so many times that he's convinced he's a god. After all, some of the major signs are there. He knows absolutely everything and can't die. That sounds a lot like a god.

Quote #2

PHIL: I'm not the God, I don't think.

Phil knows that he's immortal and almost omniscient (all-seeing). But he's not crazy enough to think he's the one all-powerful God. If that were the case, he'd probably have the ability to just point at things and make them explode, and he's not there just yet.

Quote #3

RITA: You're not a god. Believe me. This is twelve years of Catholic school talking.

Rita thinks it's insane for Phil to talk as though he's some sort of god. After all, she spent her childhood in Catholic school and her religion believes there can only be one true God.