Happy Days Life, Consciousness, & Existence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Line)

Quote #1


World without end Amen. (1.1)

Winnie begins her day with a prayer from the Book of Common Prayer. If Winnie is as religious as she seems to be, then she probably believes in a Christian afterlife. Most strands of Christian religion believe in a heaven of some sort. How could her belief in a better hereafter help her in her day-to-day struggle?

Quote #2


guaranteed... genuine... pure... what? (1.1)

Throughout the play it seems like it's really important for Winnie to question what the writing on the side of the toothbrush means. Aside from serving as a simple distraction, could it be that she's also questioning the "what" of her existence? Could she be searching for something genuine and pure?

Quote #3


What is that wonderful line? Oh fleeting joys—oh something lasting woe. (1.1)

Winnie quotes the biblical character, Adam, from Milton's Paradise Lost, the first man on earth, is cast out of paradise. In other words, he goes from easy living to a hard-knock life. This kind of sounds like our protagonist, except she seems far worse off, yet somehow happier in her existence.