Respect and Reputation Quotes in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #1

ALBUS: Slytherin is the House of the snake, of Dark Magic… It's not a house of brave wizards. (1.2.36)

Does Albus reform Slytherin's reputation, or does he confirm it with his actions during the story?

Quote #2

GINNY: People always look when you three are together. And apart. People always look at you. (1.2.65)

This line confirms that Harry's still a celebrity in the wizarding world. It's impossible for him to keep a low profile…and that probably contributes to him being a wee bit self-centered.

Quote #3

ROSE: I'm a Granger-Weasley, you're a Potter—everyone will want to be friends with us, we've got the pick of anyone we want. […] We rate them all and then we make a decision. (1.3.10)

How did Ron and Hermione end up with a popularity crazed daughter like Rose? She has Hermione's intelligence, but she applies it in a cold way to acquire a squad.