Gloucester Timeline and Summary


Gloucester Timeline and Summary

  • 1.1: Gloucester is upset by the deal that Henry has made to get Margaret. There's some squabbling over the fact that Henry gave up lands in France for her (which is a big no-no for a king). Gloucester predicts that this will be Henry's doom, but the king doesn't listen. Gloucester's other bone to pick is with Beaufort, who hates him and trashes him to the other nobles.
  • 1.2: Eleanor tells her hubby of a dream she had about being queen. Gloucester gets mad at his ambitious wife, and then tells her that he had one about his staff (the symbol of his office) being broken. Uh-oh.
  • 1.3: The nobles are fighting again, this time over who should be regent in France. Henry doesn't really care, but he chooses Somerset because Gloucester tells him to. Then Peter and Horner come his way with a disagreement, and Henry says they can settle it with a swordfight, because, well, that's what Gloucester thought would be the best thing to do.
  • 2.1: Up at St. Albans, Henry and gang are hunting when they hear of a miracle being performed: a blind man can now see. Henry praises God, but Gloucester doesn't buy it. He figures out the guy is lying and punishes him.
  • 2.3: Henry sentences Eleanor and friends for their witchcraft. Gloucester is bummed in a major way, and Henry asks him to give up his staff (symbolizing his title of Protector), which he does. Gloucester leaves the court, dejected.
  • 2.4: Gloucester sees his wife, Eleanor, being shamed for her crimes. He knows she deserves it, but he's still sad. His wife warns him that he's in danger, but he doesn't see how he could be—he's done nothing wrong.
  • 3.1: When Gloucester doesn't show up to parliament hall, Henry gets worried about his pal. Margaret uses the opportunity to scheme against Gloucester: she and Suffolk talk smack about him to Henry. Then Gloucester shows up, and they arrest him for treason. Gloucester's not worried. He's innocent; what could go wrong?
  • 3.2: We hear from two murderers that Gloucester is dead.