Ain't I a Woman?: John Brown

    Ain't I a Woman?: John Brown

      Like Frederick Douglass, John Brown was a bit more violent in support of abolition than Sojourner Truth would have approved of. (And by "a bit" we mean "way, way more.")

      The white John Brown, of the infamous Harper's Ferry incident, was fervently anti-slavery. (Good man, John.) Born in the free state of Ohio, Brown moved to Kansas…where his first act, was to murder a handful of pro-slavery settlers. (Oh. Not such a good man, John.)

      Brown claimed God supported his actions. We think Sojourner might have had a bit of an issue with that one.

      His final speech at his trial for treason, where he claimed to have never intended to murder or incite rebellion but also showed no remorse, sparked support in the North and martyred him for the abolitionist cause.