The Children's Era: Trivia

    The Children's Era: Trivia

      1925 was a big year for the U.S.: The Great Gatsby was published, the first motel opened, the Scopes Monkey Trial happened, and Sears Roebuck opened its first brick and mortar store. So before you could read Fitzgerald while staying at a motel in the same town as the Monkey Trial while wearing a suit you bought at Sears. (Source)

      In 1925, Nellie Tayloe Ross became the first female governor in the United States. She couldn't legally access birth control, but she could run Wyoming. (Source)

      Margaret Sanger sometimes claimed her birthday was in 1883 instead of 1879, which is why some sources still have it wrong. Way to shave a few years off, Margaret. We're impressed. (Source)

      You could say Margaret Sanger came from an eclectic family. Her brother Bob Higgins was a well-known football coach who worked at Penn State, Washington University in St. Louis, and West Virginia Wesleyan. In 1954, he was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame. And you thought you and your siblings were different. (Source)