Chinese Exclusion Act Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Chinese Exclusion Act? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. According to the Chinese Exclusion Act, how long were Chinese people barred from entering the United States?

5 years
10 years
Until the Cubs win the World Series
Q. What class of Chinese people are exempt from getting papers from the government to visit the United States?

Officers from the Chinese government and their servants.
Medical personnel and their families.
Ship captains and their crews.
Superheroes and their sidekicks.
Q. The term "Chinese laborer" in the act is defined to mean skilled laborers, unskilled laborers and...?

Railroad workers.
Professional athletes
Q. Forging certificates for Chinese laborers to enter and leave the United States could result in what penalty?

A thousand dollars and five years in prison.
Five thousand dollars and ten years in prison.
Five hundred dollars and a year in prison.
Death by stereo.
Q. What specifically did the Act claim was the negative consequence of Chinese laborers?

They damaged the economy of certain industries within the territory of the United States.
White people being confused by another culture.
They endangered the good order of certain localities within the territory of the United States.
They contributed to the delinquency of certain populations within the territory of the United States.