Eugene V. Debs' Statement to the Court Upon Being Convicted of Violating the Sedition Act Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Eugene V. Debs' Statement to the Court Upon Being Convicted of Violating the Sedition Act? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. The President who wanted Debs prosecuted and refused to let him out of prison was:

Woodrow Wilson
Warren Harding
Theodore Roosevelt
Harding Warren
Q. The successful Socialist leader who praised Debs as a great American socialist was

Fidel Castro
Vladimir Lenin
Norman Thomas
Chairman Mao
Q. Who made a documentary film about Debs?

Donald Trump
Bernie Sanders
Colonel Sanders
Hillary Clinton
Q. The fellow Socialist and best-selling author who disagreed with Debs about criticizing the U.S. involvement in World War I was

Upton Sinclair
J.K. Rowling
Sinclair Lewis
Mark Twain
Q. When Debs ran for president in 1912 against Taft and Wilson, the other third party candidate was

Franklin D. Roosevelt
Ross Perot
Theodore Roosevelt
Bullwinkle Moose