Fourteen Points: Shout-Outs

    Fourteen Points: Shout-Outs

      In-Text References

      Historical References

      World War I (Intro.4-5)
      The Zimmerman Telegram (I.1)
      Self-Determination (V.1)
      The Russian Revolution (VI.1)
      Alsace-Lorraine (VIII.1)
      Imperialism (Conclusion.1)

      Political References

      Russia (VI.1-2)
      Belgium (VII.1)
      Italy (IX.1)
      Austro-Hungarian Empire (X.1)
      Romania (XI.1)
      Serbia (XI.1)
      Montenegro (XI.1)
      The Ottoman Empire (XII.1)
      Poland (XIII.1)
      Germany (Conclusion.5)

      References to This Text

      Literary and Philosophical References

      John Maynard Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the Peace (Chapters 3, 4, 5)

      Pop Culture References

      Wilson (1944 biopic film by Twentieth-Century Fox)