1964 RNC Presidential Nomination Acceptance Speech: Epimone

    1964 RNC Presidential Nomination Acceptance Speech: Epimone

      When people repeat things, it's usually because they want to emphasize something. When people repeat things, what they say is more likely to stick in a person's brain.

      When people repeat things, it can get kind of annoying.

      Unless they're doing it during a big political hoo-rah speech like this one. Then, instead of irritating people, repetition can get everyone pretty jazzed.

      There's a word for that BTW, and it's epimone. Rhymes with "epiphany."

      Barry and his speechwriters were apparently big fans of epimone, especially when it comes to reminding Republicans what they're all about. The phrases "Republican cause" and "cause of Republicanism" are used seven times in this speech. Seven.

      In sentences 51 and 52, we learn that the cause of Republicanism is to resist conformity and despotism and keep power in the hands of the people. A second later, we learn it's also to make sure people understand the "tyranny of man over man in the world at large" (54). Adding onto that, Republicans are also supposed to "remind ourselves, and the world, that only the strong can remain free, that only the strong can keep the peace" (56). The Republican cause demands that communism be branded as "a principal disturber of peace in the world," and that Republicans "free our people and light the way for liberty throughout the world" (73, 138).

      Epimone makes sure no one misses the point.