Hope, Despair and Memory Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Hope, Despair and Memory? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Why are people compelled to forget?

Because your brain can't hold everything
To spare you pain
To weed out wrong memories
To intentionally lose your car keys and socks
Q. What doesn't memory help us do?

Define who we are
Learn from past mistakes
Help us predict the future
Provide us hope
Q. Why did memory "fail" the survivors of the Holocaust?

Injustice wasn't eliminated
Nobody believed survivors
Nazi Germany wasn't defeated
Their writings weren't published
Q. What does Elie Wiesel say the "call to memory" is?

A noble and necessary act
An obligation
A curse
An annoyance
Q. What would paralyze man if he was unable to forget?

The fear of death
Their dreams
Their crimes