Louisiana Purchase Treaty: Writing Style

    Louisiana Purchase Treaty: Writing Style

      Good news? This isn't some horribly long legislative document that you have to sift through to find the deets.

      Bad news? It's three separate documents. 

      But to be fair, the Louisiana Purchase was such a big deal, and really, it was just trying to get some organization up in here.

      • The first document is the actual treaty, and it contains every little detail about Louisiana's transition from the French to the Americans.
      • The second document is a cute 'lil thing that goes over how America will pay up. It's a convention, which means it's an agreement that's a little less binding than a treaty. But make no mistakes: America still had to pay up.
      • The third document is also a convention. It deals with how France is going to pay up for all their shenanigans.

      There's not much else to say here. As much as we appreciate the organization, it's still a treaty that's pretty much styled after a treaty.