Magna Carta: Rights vs. Privileges Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Clause.Sentence)

Quote #1

The English Church shall be free, and shall have its rights undiminished, and its liberties unimpaired. (1.1)

Sounds a little like separation of church and state…although in this case it's the church telling the king to get the heck out.

Quote #2

Earls and barons shall be fined only by their equals, and in proportion to the gravity of their offence. (21.1)

No more using an overdue library book as an excuse to take away someone's castle. This clause basically said the King could no longer hand down punishments willy-nilly—and that when punishments did get doled out, they had to be reasonable.

Quote #3

In future no official shall place a man on trial upon his own unsupported statement, without producing credible witnesses to the truth of it. (38.1)

It turns out people want the right to defend themselves in court, even against the king's officials. Sound anything like the U.S.'s Bill of Rights?