The Perils of Indifference: Shout-Outs

    The Perils of Indifference: Shout-Outs

      In-Text References

      Literary and Philosophical References

      Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (2)

      Historical and Political References

      President Bill Clinton (1, 8, 101, 112)
      Hillary Clinton (1, 11, 68)
      Ambassador Richard Holbrooke (1)
      Buchenwald (2)
      Mahatma Gandhi (17)
      John F. Kennedy (17)
      Robert F. Kennedy (17)
      Martin Luther King Jr. (17)
      Anwar Sadat (17)
      Yitzhak Rabin (17, 101)
      Auschwitz (18, 36, 70)
      Treblinka (18, 70)
      Muselmanner (36)
      Days of Remembrance (68)
      Adolf Hitler (70, 97)
      Birkenau (73)
      The Pentagon (74)
      The State Department (74)
      Franklin Delano Roosevelt (75)
      St. Louis (81)
      Kristallnacht (83)
      Righteous Gentiles (94)
      Wehrmacht (98)
      Apartheid (100)
      Yasser Arafat (101)
      NATO (103)

      Geographical References

      Carpathian Mountains (2, 123)
      Weimar (2)
      Cambodia (17)
      Algeria (17)
      India (17)
      Pakistan (17)
      Ireland (17, 100)
      Rwanda (17)
      Eritrea (17)
      Ethiopia (17)
      Sarajevo (17)
      Kosovo (17, 103, 112)
      Hiroshima (17)
      Israel (100)

      Types of Government

      Fascism (78)
      Dictatorship (78)
      Democracy (89)
      Nazism (100)
      Communism (100)

      References to This Text

      Literary and Philosophical References

      Chmiel, Mark. Elie Wiesel and the Politics of Moral Leadership. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2001. Print.

      Historical and Political References

      Page, Clarence. "Perils of Indifference—and of Action." Chicago Tribune. 14 April 1999. (Source)