Zimmermann Telegram Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Zimmermann Telegram? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Arthur Zimmermann's plot to start another war that would distract from war with Germany was actually successful in which nation?

The U.S.
Q. Who was the intended recipient of the Zimmermann Telegram?

Heinrich von Eckardt, the German ambassador to Mexico
Arthur Zimmermann, the German Foreign Secretary
Bob Dylan
The secret society only known as Room 40
Q. Which of the following did President Wilson use as his reelection campaign slogan?

"He kept us out of war"
"I heart telegrams"
"War! What it is good for?"
"Let's keep Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona"
Q. Why did Zimmermann think that President Carranza of Mexico might be willing to attack the U.S.?

Carranza was a former revolutionary with a reputation for having a quick temper.
Zimmermann had been a roommate of Carranza's in college.
Carranza had a girlfriend in Tucson, making the invasion convenient for him.
He considered Tex-Mex food as the worst kind of cultural appropriation.
Q. What was one reason that some in the American public wanted to stay out of the war?

There was money to be made from selling arms and supplies to Europe.
The U.S. hadn't been in a war in a really long time and couldn't remember how.
They were in the middle of watching the final season of Lost.
There was a growing movement to try to take another third of Mexico's land.