History of American Fashion Primary Sources

History of American Fashion Primary Sources

Historical documents. What clues can you gather about the time, place, players, and culture?

The Workings of a Dress Shop

All correspondence, transactions, measurements, and objects discovered in 1989 at the A. & L. Tirocchi dress shop in Providence, Rhode Island (in business from 1915 to 1947).

Innovation Protection

Statement concerning a proposed bill on protection for fashion design, which the House of Representatives considered during the summer of 2006 (referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary).

An Early Fashion Mag

A fashion magazine from Maryland, printed in January 1886.

Tailors Advertise

An advertising leaflet for "Young, the Tailor," 1898.

The Business of Kid's Clothing

A page out of The Advertising Handbook (1921) on marketing children's clothing.

Hats, Anyone?

A business card for the "Fashionable Milliner" (a hat store) in Raleigh, North Carolina, circa 19th century.

$2 Pants?

A letter from Uriah W. Oblinger in Gove City, Kansas, to his family on May 10th, 1887, in which he discusses purchasing a pair of jeans for $2.00 and two flannel shirts for $2.75 each.