History of American Journalism Statistics

History of American Journalism Statistics

By the Numbers

New York newspaper circulation per capita in 1830, before the introduction of the penny press: 1 newspaper per 16 citizens
New York newspaper circulation per capita in 1850, after the introduction of the penny press: 1 newspaper per 4.5 citizens2

Average age of America's newspaper readers in 2008: 553

Percentage of Americans, aged 18–34, who currently read the news daily on the internet: 44
Percentage of Americans, aged 18–34, who currently read a newspaper daily: 19
Percentage of Americans, aged 18–34, who currently believe that newspapers are trustworthy: 94

Number of cities served by Craigslist in 1999: 1
Number of cities served by Craigslist in 2008: more than 500
Total U.S. newspaper classified advertising revenues in 2000: $19 billion
Total U.S. newspaper classified advertising revenues in 2008: $14 billion

Approximate average daily American newspaper circulation in 2008: 51 million
Last year, prior to 2008, in which American newspaper circulation was this low: 1946
Population of the United States in 1946: 141 million
Population of the United States in 2008: 305 million