Zero Timeline and Summary


Zero Timeline and Summary

  • We get our first glimpse of Zero when Stanley arrives at Camp Green Lake and is introduced to the boys in D Tent. Mr. Pendanski tells Stanley that his name is Zero because "there's nothing inside his head" (5.33).
  • It turns out Zero doesn't know how to read. After some hole-digging, Stanley finally agrees to teach him – in exchange, Zero will keep digging Stanley's holes for him.
  • The other campers aren't too psyched that Zero is helping dig Stanley's holes, and they give Stanley a hard time about it. This results in a pretty nasty fight, after which Zero runs off.
  • Stanley finds Zero sheltered under the overturned Mary Lou, surviving on jars of a peachy liquid he calls "sploosh."
  • The boys stick together, and Stanley ends up carrying a really sick Zero up the mountain. As Zero gradually gets better, he tells Stanley about his past, and how he became separated from his mother. It's a pretty sad story.
  • Zero and Stanley return to camp and, after some major obstacles, they dig up the treasure and get to leave camp with Ms. Morengo, Stanley's lawyer.
  • After he gets his share of the treasure, Zero hires a team of private detectives to locate his mother. And it looks like it worked: in fact, the last image of the book is one of Zero and his mother.