G.T. Stoop Timeline and Summary


G.T. Stoop Timeline and Summary

  • Despite recently being diagnosed with leukemia, G.T. has a positive outlook on life. He hires Hope and Addie to help him run the Welcome Stairways diner.
  • He shocks everyone in Mulhoney when he announces his plan to run for mayor. He's had enough of the politically corrupt Eli Millstone, who's been in office for the past eight years, and wants to bring justice to the town before his lease on life runs out.
  • G.T.'s campaign starts to heat up and so does Addie's temper every time he's around. The kitchen at the Welcome Stairways doesn't seem to be big enough for the two of them.
  • G.T. asks Hope to join him for a day of campaigning around Wisconsin. The two really bond during their time together.
  • Millstone's supporters try to sabotage G.T.'s campaign but G.T. takes the high road and doesn't fight back.
  • G.T. shocks and awes the diner staff when he asks Addie out on a date.
  • When he learns that his cancer is in remission, he asks Addie to marry him.
  • G.T. loses the election by a very small margin but Millstone resigns when the Election Board proves he tampered with the votes.
  • G.T. is sworn in as Mayor and he and Addie get married. He proves to be a great leader and also a great father to Hope.
  • His cancer returns a year and a half later and quickly gets the best of him. Crowds pack the church for his funeral and later pack the diner to share stories of the man they loved and admired.