The Hound of the Baskervilles Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Hound of the Baskervilles? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. How does Holmes know that Watson is looking at the walking stick when his back seems to be turned to Watson?

Watson has a compulsive habit of examining walking sticks and does it all the time
Holmes quietly turns to look over his shoulder
Holmes has a polished silver coffee pot in front of him
Watson is mumbling to himself about the walking stick
Q. What does the Hound of the Baskervilles look like, according to the Baskerville manuscript?

A large pit bull with blood on its jaws
A big black dog with fiery eyes
Beethoven—you know, the dog from the movie
The 1814 winner of the Hound Group at Westminster
Q. What does Watson think that C.C.H. stands for on the walking stick?

Charing Cross Hospital
The local Hunt Club
Housatonic Community College (Watson suffers from dyslexia)
Actress CCH Pounder
Q. What kind of a man does Holmes figure Doctor Mortimer to be before they meet him in person?

Serious, middle-aged, tall
Older, respectable, popular
Young, unambitious, absent-minded
Way too interested in Keira Knightley
Q. What warning does the writer of the manuscript give his sons about avoiding the Hound?

Avoid carrying mutton in your jacket pocket
Keep a lighted candle with you at all times
Donate 10% of your income to charity
Stay away from the moors at night