The House of the Scorpion Science Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

A dull, red light shown on the faces of the workers as they watched their own arrays of little glass dishes. Each one contained a drop of life. (1.2)

The start of the novel contrasts wonderfully with the subsequent chapters. After kicking things off in a futuristic lab, we go to the time-warp of Opium.

Quote #2

Perhaps the cows were aware of what had been done to them, because they certainly rejected the embryos. (1.13)

The experiments done in this novel are pretty disturbing, and nothing is as disturbing as the fact that they use cows to grow clones. That's gotta have some nasty side effects.

Quote #3

"You idiot! You need a vet for the little beast!" the man roared. "How dare you defile this house?" (3.108)

Matt may be a marvel of modern science, but Mr. Alacrán sees him as a beast and something subhuman. Perhaps that's actually because Matt is a marvel of modern science, and wasn't created the old school way.