Hugh Selwyn Mauberley Principles Quotes

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Quote #1

His true Penelope was Flaubert (13)

Mauberley is kind of like Odysseus, in the sense that both of them are searching for some sense of "home." But instead of looking for "home" in a loyal wife, Mauberley looks for a sense of home in the beautiful writing of French novelist Gustave Flaubert.

Quote #2

These fought in any case,
and some believing, pro domo, in any case (61-62)

A bunch of young men ran off to get slaughtered in World War I, and why? Because they believed they were fighting to defend a great country. Sure, they should have plenty of principles. But Pound thinks they all ran off to die for something not worth fighting for.

Quote #3

The English Rubaiyat was still-born
In those days (108-109)

Okay, so there was this book published before Pound was born, and it was a translation of all these old Persian poems that Pound thought were really beautiful. The problem is that no one really paid any attention to the book until a celebrity writer gave it his stamp of approval. For Pound, this is just another terrible example of how good art doesn't speak to people in the modern world. Only marketing does.