The Hunger Games Chapter 15 Quotes

The Hunger Games Chapter 15 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:
Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote 1

The weapons give me an entirely new perspective on the Games. I know I have tough opponents left to face. But I am no longer merely prey that runs and hides or takes desperate measures. If Cato broke through the trees right now, I wouldn't flee, I'd shoot. I find I'm actually anticipating the moment with pleasure. (15.6)

With her weapons on her back, Katniss is nearly unstoppable. She's playing offense now instead of defense. But can she win with this skill alone?

Rue > Katniss Everdeen

Quote 2

"The Careers have two pairs. But they've got everything down by the lake," Rue says. "And they're so strong."

"We're strong, too," I say. "Just in a different way."

"You are. You can shoot," she says. "What can I do?"

"You can feed yourself. Can they?" I ask.

"They don't need to. They have all those supplies," Rue says.

"Say they didn't. Say the supplies were gone. How long would they last?" I say. "I mean, it's the Hunger Games, right?" (15.72-77)

Katniss and Rue may not have more brute force than the Career Tributes, but they have a far more powerful skill: they can provide food for themselves. Where did they learn this skill? And why?

Quote 3

It's interesting, hearing about her life. We have so little communication with anyone outside our district. In fact, I wonder if the Gamemakers are blocking out our conversation, because even though the information seems harmless, they don't want people in different districts to know about one another. (15.46)

The Gamemakers control the information each District has about the other. How does this help the government?