The Hunger Games Chapter 24 Quotes

The Hunger Games Chapter 24 Quotes

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Quote 1

That brings me back to Cato. But while I think I had a sense of Foxface, who she was and how she operated, he's a little more slippery. Powerful, well trained, but smart? I don't know. Not like she was. And utterly lacking in the control Foxface demonstrated. I believe Cato could easily lose his judgment in a fit of temper. (24.29)

If Foxface was the smartest, then Cato is the strongest. But why doesn't either of them win? What does it take to win in this game?

Quote 2

Brutal, bloody Cato who can snap a neck with a twist of his arm, who had the power to overcome Thresh, who has had it out for me since the beginning. He probably has had a special hatred for me every since I outscored him in training. A boy like Peeta would simply shrug that off. But I have a feeling it drove Cato to distraction. Which is not that hard. I think of his ridiculous reaction to finding the supplies blown up. The others were upset, of course, but he was completely unhinged. I wonder now if Cato might not be entirely sane. (24.27)

Cato is Katniss's last hurdle to winning the competition. Why is Cato such a force to be reckoned with?