Toswiah Green/Evie Thomas Timeline and Summary


Toswiah Green/Evie Thomas Timeline and Summary

  • April: Daddy witnesses the shooting and decides to testify against the officers involved. After he meets with the District Attorney, he tells the family they'll be leaving Denver. Shots are fired through the Green family's windows.
  • Late May: Federal officers come to move the Green family to a safe house while Daddy testifies.
  • Late May through late August: The Greens stay in a safe house, which is part of an abandoned motel. Daddy testifies each day at the trial. They choose new names.
  • Fall: The Green family moves to the Northeast. Evie and Anna start school, where Evie considers running track, while Anna decides she's going to apply to Simon's Rock College. Evie turns fourteen; Daddy slips into a deep depression.
  • December: Evie joins the track team, and Anna tells Evie she's been admitted to Simon's Rock. Daddy slits his wrist with a broken shard from his oatmeal bowl. After this incident, Evie commits to the track team.
  • January: Evie visits Daddy, who seems to be getting better. Mama starts teaching again. Anna leaves for Simon's Rock.