Bailey Johnson (Daddy Bailey) Timeline and Summary


Bailey Johnson (Daddy Bailey) Timeline and Summary

  • Bailey arrives in Stamps with a bang. He enjoys being the center of attention, but he decides to leave after three weeks, and he takes his children with him.
  • He drops the children off with Vivian in St. Louis and returns to California. So far, not looking like the best dad on the planet.
  • But wait. It gets better (read: worse).
  • Bailey invites Maya to spend her summer vacation with him, and he is immediately amused by her bad relationship with his girlfriend, Dolores.
  • One day, he and Maya go to Mexico, where he promptly gets drunk and falls asleep in the back of the car. Bailey wakes up after Maya has crashed into another car. 
  • When they get home, he has an argument with Dolores. The next thing he knows, Dolores is running around outside with a hammer, and Maya is hiding in the car.
  • When he realizes that Maya is hurt, Bailey takes her to some friends for treatment. First good decision he's made so far. Oh, and it's the last thing he does.