Love Quotes in If I Stay

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

It took me by surprise how much I wanted to be kissed by him, to realize that I'd thought about it so often that I'd memorized the exact shape of his lips, that I'd imagined running my finger down the cleft of his chin. (4.59)

Is Mia in love with Adam, or is she obsessed with him? Is it possible to be obsessed with someone if you don't love them? What evidence do we have that there's truly something special between the two of them? How does Mia define love herself?

Quote #2

Adam is the one I really want to see. (6.10)

Does Mia want to see Adam because she loves him more than her own family? Or simply because he's the only one still alive?

Quote #3

In books and movies, the stories always end when the two people finally have their romantic kiss. The happily-ever-after part is just assumed. (6.12)

This is a little bit of foreshadowing to the book's final scene, when Mia wakes up as if she's Sleeping Beauty and Adam is Prince Charming. The happily-ever-after part is assumed, but it would be an incorrect assumption, as you'll know if you read the sequel.