Cassie Maddox Timeline & Summary


Cassie Maddox Timeline & Summary

  • Cassie Maddox joins the Dublin Murder Squad even though she's—gasp—female.
  • She teams with up Rob Ryan, and they're assigned to investigate the murder of Katy Devlin.
  • Rob suggests that the case might be related to a cold case, the one where his friends disappeared in the woods in 1984, and only Rob survived.
  • Cassie speaks to the parents of the missing kids because Rob can't bring himself to do it.
  • While Rob tries to tap into his memories, Cassie also taps into her past experiences.
  • In doing so, she manages to create a clever profile of the killer because of her personal experience with a psychopath in college, as well as having almost been molested as a child.
  • One night, Rob calls her. He fell asleep in the woods, and now he's scared, so she picks him and they sleep together.
  • Rob immediately starts treating Cassie badly. You know: ignoring her calls, giving her one-word answers, being annoying.
  • When an implement used in the crime—a trowel—is found, Rob wants to target Mark Hanly, an archeologist, but Cassie focuses on Damien Donnelly, and she turns out to be right. She's always right.
  • Damien mentions being in a relationship with Rosalind, Katy's sister.
  • Because Rob is an idiot, he doesn't think Rosalind had anything to do with it. Cassie is not an idiot, though, so she begs to differ.
  • She puts on a wire, and gets Rosalind to confess to manipulating Damien into killing Katy. You go, girl.
  • Cassie never speaks to Rob again, because he's a bad friend and a worse cop. She transfers to Domestic Violence and gets engaged to Sam, another officer on the force.